Windows 7 NetBIOS
Hi All, Having an issue with a what I suspect is NetBIOS over TCP/IP. I have an application (rhino3d) that requires connection to a license server. There are a number of ways of pointing this application to the server (DNS entry, Registry key, etc), the issue doesn't appear to be getting the license server details, it is the communication with the server. The issue is appearing on random computers, not all. I can ping the license server, and resolve the name etc, but when i use the command nbtstat -a licenseserver i get: Node: [Licenserver IP Address] Host not found If I enter the license server details into the LMHost file, everything works as expected. I have another computer with the same SOE (deployed via ConfigMgr), on the same vlan, subnet, etc. and everythign works normally, i.e. nbtstat -a licenseserver returns the NetBIOS Remote Machine Name Table, and the app (rhino3d) is able to contact the license server. Any suggestions on how to resolve this, or further troubleshooting tips? Cheers, Johno
April 15th, 2012 10:19pm

Under NIC properties Internet Protocol Version 4 (tcp/ipv4) Properties Advanced Wins (tab) If you have wins server then add the ip address of the wins server. Also try enabling NetBios over TCP/IP by placing a check mark on "Enable netBIOS over TCP/IP"
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April 16th, 2012 1:57am

There is no WINS server installed on the network, nor do we want to install one. "Enable netBIOS over TCP/IP" is already checked.
April 17th, 2012 8:11pm

Hello, Can you do an ipconfig /all from a working and non working system to compare?Miguel Fra / Falcon IT Services Computer & Network Support, Miami, FL Visit our Knowledgebase and Support Sharepoint Site
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April 17th, 2012 10:06pm

If you have any firewall software installed on that machine turn it off. If the computer and the server are in the same subnet they should be able to resolve names via broadcast. So firewall is the only thing that could be standing in the way that i can think of.
April 18th, 2012 1:55am

Hello, I agree with Brano. The likely cause is a firewall problem. This is of course assuming that the machines are on the same subnet and vlan as you mentioned and that netbios is ON (an IPCONFIG /ALL will reveal this) and that ovious things like duplicate names on the network are not the case. Also check that there are no WINS servers on the network with stale records and check that your NetBIOS cache is not corrupted. Clear it with nbtstat -r Please post an IPCONFIG /all and nbtstat -c from a good working machine and the problem machine.Miguel Fra / Falcon IT Services Computer & Network Support, Miami, FL Visit our Knowledgebase and Support Sharepoint Site
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April 18th, 2012 9:08am

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