Windows 7 RC DNS issue. Unable to brows
I've tried to change my DNS to openDNS, and even hard coded my default gateway as a primary DNS to see that work. neither did. after about 6 hours of the computer being on I'm able to brows to a lot of web sites, sometimes google doesn't even come up. Saying that it was unable to resolve host name. I am unable to ping, or trace route the sites as well. However if I input the IP of a site it comes up just fine. The problem is not duplicated on ether my roommate's computer, or any other networked devices, just the box running windows 7. Generally I'm using firefox 3.5 however the problem happens if I try to brows with IE, chrome, or Opera.
August 28th, 2009 8:12am

Hi, Thank you for posting here. Based on my research, this issue can be caused by corrupted Hosts file or DNS cache. Please refer to the following steps to troubleshoot the issue. Step 1: Clear the Hosts file -------------------------------------- 1. Click the Start Button, type "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc" (without quotation marks) and press Enter. 2. Right-click on the file "Hosts" (without quotations) and choose Delete. 3. Click Continue to confirm the deletion and verify the administrator permission. Step 2: Clean up the Domain Name Resolution (DNS) cache -------------------------------------- 1. Click the Start Button, type "cmd" (without quotation marks), in the search result list, right click on Cmd.exe and select Run as administrator. 2. Click Continue button to verify the administrator permission. 3. In the popup window, type: "ipconfig /flushdns" (without quotation marks) and press Enter. What's the result? Thanks, Novak
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August 31st, 2009 10:21am

Well, I just tried it, and I seem to be able to brows normally, I'll post again if I have the problem again. I've also ordered a new NIC just incase (I mean it was $30 and one of my old towers doesn't have a gigabte NIC so, why not?), witch was going to be my next trouble shooting step. PS: Thanks for the help, I appreciate it.
August 31st, 2009 6:56pm

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