Windows 7 Search showing contents of hidden folders in a network drive
I have an FTP server which has many different files delievered to it on a daily basis. I have users who are performing searches on this FTP server to get specific files from multiple folders. Sometimes, there are folders which will have duplicate file names, but different contents. With Windows XP, we found a solution for this was to hide the folders that contained possible duplicate files. When a team would do searches with Windows Search in XP, the search would ignore the hidden folders completely. With Windows 7 Search, even with the folders hidden, file search results from those hidden folders are showing up. The FTP server is an un-indexed network location, so it is not the Search Index caching these files for search results. I need a Windows Search that ignores hidden network folders. I've looked at several freeware search utilities, and none of them are able to provide this functionality on a network drive. Any solutions or advice are greatly appreciated.
July 10th, 2012 6:14pm

Hi, It seems that Windows 7 still search for hidden files and folders. You can refer to this thread How do I stop Windows 7 from searching hidden files and folders. Regards Vincent Wang TechNet Community Support
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July 12th, 2012 4:14am

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