Windows 7 VPN to Windows 7 thru a firewall
I am setting up a desktop to desktop extended network. I saw in the Windows 7 training that there is a method to do a VPN tunnel through a firewall using IP6 that would allow the two machines to connect. For the life of me I have yet to find the specific documentation on this. Can anyone point me to the documentation, please?Jon Harris
September 14th, 2009 4:00pm

Back when Vista came out I experimented a bit with the Peer Name Resolution Protocol and Windows Internet Computer Names. Perhaps that is what you are referencing? the new SSTP VPN type... don't believe you can use a Vista workstation as a SSTP server however.MS-MVP Windows Desktop Experience, "When all else fails, read the instructions"
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September 14th, 2009 5:23pm

I think what I am looking for is the first set of links. I am going back through the training now to find the correct terminology but I would think that p2p is correct.The issue is PC1 is behind a firewall. PC2 is behind another firewall with the Internet between the two firewalls. Both PC's are not in domains but I could set both up as being in the same Workgroup. The user of PC2 will connect to PC1 to pull files as needed most likely at night or just before close of business for the day. Both firewalls are attached to ADSL with fixed IP addresses. Both users are complete novices' and neither care how things work only that they must work.Jon
September 14th, 2009 6:18pm

I believe the actual termanology is DirectAccess. I am off to do more research now and see what I can find.Jon
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September 14th, 2009 6:53pm

Hope that the following website can be helpful. Networking and Access Technologies>Home>Technologies and Solutions>DirectAccessArthur Xie - MSFT
September 16th, 2009 12:40pm

Al Jarvi had it right I was looking for the P2P networking. DirectAccess requires a server and since I am dealing with only 2 machines in a workgroup I doubt I will get the client to spend the money for a server.Looking at the documentation and doing a bit of experimenting I have the Teredo tunnel being formed but I can't get it to do more than name resolution of the remote test machine. What am I missing? If I do a ping -6 with the Internet Name I get my IP 6 address for my test machine inside my network not the Teredo tunnel IP6 address. I do the same thing with the external and I get 100% packet loss and get the Teredo tunnel address.Jon
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September 17th, 2009 2:44am

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