Windows 7 XP Mode Japanese IME with English keyboard
If this is wrong forum for this issue, please direct me. I have installed Windows 7 RC x64 English into clean partition. I have installed Virtual PC Beta and XP mode Japanese on Windows 7 RC. My keyboard is a US English compatible USB keyboard. Virtual PC with XP mode is working fine so far, except keyboard when IME is set to Japanese. When IME is Japanese, it seems that the keyboard is treated as Japanese keyboard, but this is English keyboard. All alphabet keys are fine, however some of the marks are different. For example, Shift + "6" is "&". If I change IME to EN (English) in XP mode, the key goes back to behave normally. Keyboard is identified as "101/102 English or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard" in the Device Manager of XP mode. In the Windows 7 host, keyboard is working fine whether IME is Japanese or not. Is there any work around for this issue? Also if I need to report this as an issue, please advise where I need to submit to. Thank you
July 8th, 2009 5:53am

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