Windows 7 administrator account.
I have a question about the use of "Administrator's" accounts in Windows 7. I have a problem understanding the need for creating a second administrator account and leaving the default account disabled, can anyone give me a good reason for this? I have a colleque that believes that by creating a second administrator account (Named:User) and leaving the default one disabled, he is giving the system administrators an edge over the users. I have voiced my opinion and it seems that the only reason for the creation is better security. I dont see it.
October 27th, 2010 12:52pm

If you look at the default configuration any additional administrators except for the built-in administrators are running with UAC enabled, meaning even though the administrator is administrator the user runs as a standard user until something needs administrative priviliges. If you activate the built-in administrator account the default setting is that UAC is turned off and thereby running with the built-in administrator account is far more insecure. But on the other hand, if you have local administrators in your environment they can compromise everything you try to block them from doing so keep that in mind.Blogging about Windows for IT pros at
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October 28th, 2010 1:50pm

it's just for security when it is disabled so people can't log on by guessing the administrator account's username. if you remember in win XP you could login easily by using administrator user name. and also Microsoft recommends that you rename that disabled administrator too.
October 28th, 2010 4:23pm

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