Windows 7 bluescreens during sleep
Windows 7 Blue Screens while in a sleep state.ALL latest drivers are installed. Tested various option with hybrid sleep and without.It's rather pathetic as the OS does not log that it experienced a blue screen, no dump, no indication whatsoever other than when you boot you get a warning asking you if you want to boot into safe mode etc.So finding what the problem is, is difficult, Vista hardly ever had "Windows Failures" that I experienced.Windows 7 all I have is Windows Failures.Any advice on how to correct this. I've submitted everything to Microsoft with no responce.The problem is absolutely related to sleep and disk idle!
May 25th, 2009 10:14pm

SNAP!Having exactly the same problem, with RC (7100) although we are now dumping (so to speak).Close lid, laptop goes to sleep, upon resume i get the blue screen. After reboot it checks for a solution then dissappears.
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May 25th, 2009 11:42pm

Everybody - Windows 7 RC has some serious sleep related issues. It's generally considered best to NOT use sleep whenever possible. Microsoft IS working on the issue and hopefully >knock on wood< they'll have the issues licked by the time the RTM is fully cooked.
May 26th, 2009 1:37pm

I've got sleep issues also - and have disabled it because of that (no blue screens tho')Where have you checked for the memory dumps? Is there any evidence of this in the Problem Reports and Solutions, or in the Event Viewer?FWIW - There are numerous reasons for a BSOD not generating a dump file. Most often I've found it's that the BSOD occurs too early in the boot process (before the stuff that recognized the BSOD is loaded). Most often it's 3rd party drivers that are causing this - and it's the one's that load on boot.You can get an idea of what loads at boot by using the LoadOrder tool available for free from the SysInternals website.- John
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May 27th, 2009 1:59am

I also have sleep issues. Sleep with BIOS on ACPI S1 mode works/wakes fine; sleep with hybrid OFF, using BIOS S3 works/wakes fine; but sleep with hybrid ON, and HIBERNATION too, leads immediately to BSOD. I have yet to dig into the actual memory dump or message logs. If I find out more, I'll post back; or maybe, they'll just fix in RTM? All my drivers are up to date and seem to work seamlessly except for these power-related issues.
May 27th, 2009 6:31pm

i don't have sleep issues (thanks god!), but i have problems with hybernate. from sleep my computer resumes normaly, but after hybernate my computer freezes after 1 minute of running. this is the better case. i got only black screen too, and no log, whatsoever.
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May 27th, 2009 8:09pm

Sorry you all are having sleep issues... Funny I was going make thread on how Awesome the hybernation works with Windows 7over Windows Vista!! I have had ZERO problems with it!The hybernate mode works correctly (very fast)on my system where it never worked right at allon Vista.
May 27th, 2009 8:09pm

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