Windows 7 can't change offline availability
It's impossible to change between Always available and Not available. Right-click -> Always available offline does nothing. Right-click -> Properties -> Offline files -> Uncheck Always available offline does nothing. Sync Center -> Offline Files -> Status: Sync requested Thanks! Update: After a restart the problem is not present. Update: Then the problem appear again. Are you positive enabling offline availability for a file/folder while sync is in progress for another file/folder doesn't hang the sync at Sync requested after the sync in progress is complete instead of continuing with the next sync?
March 15th, 2012 4:32pm

John S Peterson wrote: It's impossible to change between Always available and Not available. Right-click -> Always available offline does nothing. Right-click -> Properties -> Offline files -> Uncheck Always available offline does nothing. Sync Center -> Offline Files -> Status: Sync requested Thanks! Update: After a restart the problem is not present.Update: Then the problem appear again. Are you positive enabling offline availability for a file/folder while sync is in progress for another file/folder doesn't hang the sync at Sync requested after the sync in progress is complete instead of continuing with the next sync? This is always a matter of patience with offline files. It needs time till offline files are available, it needs time till Windows detects, that online availablity exists, etc. Time in this respect means minutes sometimes 5-10 minutes depending on network quality. That said most problems go away if let time pass by and it can easily be, that you can not change one setting successfully, if the time needed hasn't passed. And as long as a sync is in progress you can't change between offline available or not. Wolfgang
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March 15th, 2012 5:55pm

Hi, This issue occurs may be caused by the last sync has not finished. Please finish syncing first. If the issue persists, please try the link below. Best Regards, Kim ZhouPlease remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
March 19th, 2012 5:31am

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