Windows 7 freezes when I copy a large file over the network
Hi, I have Win7 Enterprise x64 and when I copy large filesto another win7 or XP machine on the network the win7 completely freezes and I have to hard reboot. The only error coming up in the error logs is that The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly. The mobo is an Asus and I'm pretty sure it's using Realtek chipset. I have read other people having the same issue and they haver Atheros chipsets.
August 21st, 2009 1:38am

I had the exact same problem as the OP. I try to copy a large file to my external HDD , and halfway through it quits. Cancel button doesn't work, other programs behave weird. Only thing to solve it was a restart. The sollution for me was a life without DAEMON Tools. I did a fresh installation of Win 7. I copied 40 GB of files to my HDD, no problems! Then I installed Poweriso, wich comes with a virtual disk, and copied another 20 GB to mij HDD. Again no problems! Hope this will solve it for you. Small update: also Poweriso causes this issue. Setting the virtual drives to disabled and quiting Virtual Drive Manager gets the HDD working fully again.
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August 21st, 2009 7:30pm

I do have Alcohol with the virtual drive installed, I'll try disabling it and see if that helps.
August 22nd, 2009 5:23am

Hi MajoR,Does it work?
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August 27th, 2009 5:04am

Nope. I uninstalled Alcohol & antivirus and Win 7 still froze. I was about to reformat when on a last minute hunch (it freezes doing network stuff, I figured try looking into the NIC driver), so off I went to Asus and d/l the driver for my mobo P5K SE/EPU They don't have win7 drivers and I remembered when I initially installed win7 I d/l all the drivers from Asus (vista 64 versions) and most of them wouldn't install as it came up with incompatibility errors. Win7 installed the NIC driver so I didn't bother. So instead of running the asus setup.exe I just manually browsed to the NIC folder and it nstalled fine. Low and behold I can now copy large files over the network. So far so good and haven't crashed for last 2 days. Hope this helps you.
August 31st, 2009 10:41am

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