Windows 7 looses access to network share when disconnecting from wired connection
With my Windows 7 Pro (SP1; 64-bit) laptop docked and therefore having wired network access (within a domain), I can access network shares just fine. A wireless connection is active at the same time. When I undock, Windows Explorer and Office applications get upset some of the time. Also, this is the case when I dock. There is no problem opening a file on the network share when I am docked or undocked, but the transition does not go well. Windows throws the 0x80070035 error code, Windows cannot access <path to file server>, The network path was not found. When connected to our wireless network, the machine name is altered with an additional letter. This last fact resulted in a problem that was supposed to be cleared up by a patch installed by my system administrator, but the problem has persisted. I understand that Windows 7 must be smart enough to switch interfaces for network access, having a preference for wired if it is available (maybe even on connection data rate). Maybe it is too much to expect that the OS could make this transition, but it seemed like my Vista laptop did just fine. Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks
April 4th, 2012 3:01pm

I haven't tested this myself but here's my two cents: If I'm actively reading from or writing to a file on a \\network\share somewhere, or otherwise accessing a network resource, and I yank the cable, even though I've had a Wireless network up & running the entire time, I expect Windows to complain during the time it takes for Windows to 'realize' the wired connection is truly downverifies the wireless connection is still upverifies the wireless can route to the locations in questionadjustes the route tables (and/or metric if applicable) to route via WiFi I expect some errors or prompts about the connectivity - this all makes sense to me and doesn't apper to be an 'issue'. Our users undock, move to conference rooms & back without much fuss. For those that are close enough to a wireless signal they usually don't see any errors.For the rest that are not, when they get within range, it jumps on the AP, Windows does its thing then everything works. Between the time they undocked & came into range they received some notifcations about connectivity, but they click ok, retry whatever and everything is fine. If its a possibility, maybe you could adjust the timeout to give Windows some time before failing. Maybe adjust the metrics & make wireless 1, ethernet 10 (if possible) since you're more likely to undock & wander around. I'm curious what others have to say about this!
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April 5th, 2012 4:20pm

The reply is not an answer. Niki Han please change it to unanswered. JuliusPIV was asking for feedback from others and further discussion, but it did not address my problem. The hyperlink above for Niki is, but that does not work (page not found)
April 26th, 2012 10:42am

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