Windows 7 netowrk collisions
We have 18 computers that we upgraded to Windows 7 over a year ago. We set them up as a Home network and DHCP, all are x32. Our original service was via the phone company with a modem. There was an immediate problem with slowdowns and pages not fully loading on internet browsers. With some advice from some external IP professionals, we assigned static IPs based on the modem information and the problem disappeared immediately. We now have gone to a new network provider via the local cable company and purchased a Netgear router. The same problem has recurred. We have applied router static IPs from the router's reservation pool to the PCs but the problem is as bad as ever. We tried turning off the router's DHCP ability and that didn't help. I've started changing the computers from the Home network to a Work network and that isn't helping either. I'm pretty desperate for suggestions. I feel sure that I need to do something specifically to the computers as opposed to the router, but have exhausted all ideas. Thanks for any help. Kim
July 8th, 2011 3:34pm

Hi, According the issue, I suggest that you may try following steps to troubleshoot this problem: 1. Connect a computer to internet directly. Try to repro this problem. 2. Use this NETGAER router, connect one computer behind the route try to repro the problem whit DHCP. 3. Reset the settings of NETGAER router. Please use IPconfig –all command to export the IP configuration in each steps and post here. If the issue persists in step 1, I should be caused by your ISP; In case this issue disappears in step 1 and occurs in setp2, it should be caused by the router. You may try to reset your router. Also please ensure whether this device can bear enough load, since some this kind of problem may be caused by the device performance. Please remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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July 13th, 2011 9:51pm

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