Windows 7 not transmitting parameters from browser to MS SQL Reporting Services
We have a problem with a web application that gathers report parameters from a user and them transmits them MS SQL Server Reporting Services to produce a report. The problem is that in Windows 7 only, the report parameters do not transmit the first time the user hits the transmit button and sometimes not until they use the refresh button on the Reporting Services task bar. The problem is not browser specific (happens in multiple versions of IE and in Firefox) nor is it machine specific as it happens on multiple machines. It does NOT happen in earlier versions of Windows - only happens in Windows 7. Does anyone have a fix for this?
May 11th, 2012 10:14am

1. This may be the SQL Server Reporting Services (SRS) specific problem and SQL SRS forum may give you better answer here 2. For troubleshooting look into Event logs, try to disable firewall and lower the value of UAC setings to "zero". For communication troubleshooting use network monitor (either from Microsoft or free Wireshark). reveal your findings in forum. 3. You can hardly compare Windows XP and Windows 7 because od quite different security structure. Regards Milos
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May 12th, 2012 1:43am

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