Windows 7 on Asus EEEPC
Greetings!First of all let me praise the coders for delivering an OS which looks like a huge step in the right direction: it's only in beta stage but fast, stable and looks pretty.Ok, that was the good part, now for some annoyance.I installed Windows 7 on my EeePC 901 using an USB thumb without any trouble. There's basically an entire forum section devoted to this.The OS on a Netbook is very responsive - I have 2GB RAM, but I read other people using only 1GB enjoying their experience. The main issue is THE BLACK SCREEN.In essence, during installation, at startup and resuming after hibernation, the video driver freaks up and displays a black screen.The first workaround was to put the PC to sleep, and then waking it up. The screen revives.Then - I don't remember where, sorry - someone suggested another workaround: using Win+P and then pressing enter, basically to change the display output to "duplicate" (which accidentally changes the resolution), then reverting to normal mode.Then a wise guy in this thread revealed a somewhat nicer trick, using the command:displayswitch /extendAs an afterthought, it is the same trick (changing the display output mode) but done with way more style.The bottom line is the intel driver for Windows 7 must be a little bugged (euphemism). Other important issue is the inability to plug in anything to the VGA port (BSOD as certain as taxes and obvioulsy death itself, but more immediate). This is probably caused by the intel driver, since in safe mode I can connect a beamer and survive. Only it is not that useful to have a beamer working when the applications I'd like to project don't.Has anyone additional informations to share? Has the MS staff any hint? Thanks in advance.
January 22nd, 2009 11:53pm

Not sure whether this is relevant but I have just solved a problem with my monitor suddenly going black for no reason at all.I finally cured it by increasing the Refresh rate from 60hz to 75hzSee my thread http://http// AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4600+ 2.41 GHz. on Asus M2N-E-SLI. 2.0 GB RAM. NVIDIA GeForce 8500GT Windows Experience Index = 4.8 ........... Also running Dell Inspiron 5100 laptop and wife has an old banger running WinME
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January 23rd, 2009 3:07pm

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