Windows 7 strange file locks (access denied)
Hi, Since I migrate my Home Vista 64b to Windows 7 64b, file locks happen. My user is administrator, UAC is set to the lowest security level. File properties form tells me I have a full control on the locked files, and I belong them. It happens with binaries I compiled and some others softwares, even explorer : the simplest way to reproduce my problem is : - create c:\test.bat containing anything, e.g "echo 1" - run the batch by any way you want (explorer/double-click, start/run, ...). - open the file with the notepad, change the text, try to save. -> It's locked !!! "Access denied" It remains locked for few minutes. When I kill explorer process, the file is free. Unlocker software tells me "no attached process". And it can not delete it. But LockHunter tells me that the System is locking the file. And it can not unlock it. When I run the batch with right-click/run as administrator, the file is NOT locked. When I run the batch in a Windows safe mode session, the file is NOT locked. I specify that the file location does not matter (c:\, My documents, desktop, ...). I'm getting crazy and loose a lot of time, everyday. Is it coming from Vista upgrade ? due to Home version ? (meaning Professional version would be more efficient?) Thanks for help and excuse my english. manud.
October 18th, 2010 10:08am

Hi, Thanks for the post! Disk C is protected for security, you can check the “Security Tab”. Do you have problem in creating folder in other disks? If so , we need further research. Regards, MiyaThis posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. | Please remember to click "Mark as Answer" on the post that helps you, and to click "Unmark as Answer" if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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October 22nd, 2010 5:46am

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