Windows 7 suddenly started behaving oddly...
I'm having a very troublesome problem which I really can't get my head round. Never had anything like this and unfortunately it's really hard to pinpoint what the problem is so apoligies for that. Quite suddenly Windows started to act weird. Chrome wasn't showing web pages (it would just show a white screen and show that it is loading the web page) but my internet was working fine, Internet Explorer browsed just fine. So I went to run a scan on Security Essentials and it wouldn't finish the scan. The program wasn't unresponsive as such but it just stopped dead whilst scanning and I couldn't cancel the scan too. So this is where I kind of biffed up as I downloaded AVG to see if that would work and of course Security Essentials was a conflicting program so I started to uninstall it, when the setup became unresponsive too (but like before, Windows wouldn't detect it as 'Not Responding' if you get me). So I killed the process. Now I can't launch Security Essentials and it doesn't show up on the start menu anymore yet Windows Action Center detects it, reporting it as turned off but the button to turn it on is greyed out. AVG still cannot install as it too still detects it on my system. Currently I'm trying to update Windows with Windows Update but it's stuck as 'Creating a restore point' in a similar behavior to Security Essentials. This is really odd and I really don't want to have to completely reformat as I did that not long ago. Sorry about the vague description of what's going off but like I said, it's hard to pinpoint. I hope someone understands what's going off and can help. Any questions just ask and I'll fill you in as best I can. Thanks.
January 14th, 2011 2:20pm

Hi, Chrome is not a Microsoft product, I suggest contact Chrome support directly to ensure the issue can be addressed more efficiently. I notice that Microsoft Security Essentials didn't work and could not be uninstalled. Please download the cleanup tool and run it as Administrator. If the cleanup tool doesn't work, please contact MSE support to get more professional support. Regarding the Windows Update issue, it should be related to MSE corruption. Therefore, you need to fix MSE issue first to check if the update will be resolved automatically. Regards, NikiPlease remember to click "Mark as Answer" on the post that helps you, and to click "Unmark as Answer" if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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January 18th, 2011 3:51am

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