Windows 7 tutorial
Hello I've read through quite a few articles on the internet from places like tomshardware and pcworld amongst others about Win7 and the features and why one should swap to it. Now one of the reasons that were always stated was because of the learning curve due to the new GUI (amongst program compatability and a few others) so I made a simple tutorial on how to generally go about the new interface alongside explaining some of the funky features that were implemented into it coupled with easy to understand explanations (at least I think they should be) and screenshots. I did this because for people who are the "Family Tech" probably have their mobile going off at all times because new users do not know how to navigate the new OS alongside to let people who do not know about some of the features use them (or at least know of them) so they can make the most of their Win7 experiance. I'm more than willing to do more than one upon request if I can, just post the topic that you want me to cover and I will see if I can. I've been using it for close to a year now and I have a decent grasp of it. While I'm not extreme veteran who knows ever nook and cranny of the OS, I just wish to share what I know with others and be able to help them with my experiance. Post your comments below! You can share it with as many people as you want as that is in fact the main point of this, I hope that you or the people you share it with find it useful and I will continue making them if they gain popularity. Link to the file: Edit: oops, I put the link in wrong, sorry for that
July 10th, 2010 12:33am

The link's good now, if anyone were to give some input that would be greatly appreciated.
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July 11th, 2010 6:54pm

To Hiniberus, Thanks for your kindly sharing experiences and great efforts on Windows 7. I believe that you are familiar with Windows 7 with vast sight. I also believe that your link can benefit some of community users in forums. To other communities: We can also visit the following videos and documents to get started with Windows 7. Getting started with Windows 7 Discover and Explore Windows 7 Best Regards Dale Please remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
July 13th, 2010 11:32am

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