Windows 7 unable to access Web pages
Since upgrading to Windows 7, I am unable to open web files in Excel 2007, Word 2007 or Windows Explorer. I am able to open them in Excel 2003 and Expression Web 2. All was working well with Vista. When I try to open a web folder in Explorer or Excel 2007, nothing happens, the folder doesnt open to view or select files. I am the only user and I have all administrative privileges. Apparently Im missing something any advice?
March 19th, 2009 10:14pm

Hi, This behavior occurs if part of Office components are corrupt, I suggest that you repair or reinstall the Office suit. If the issue still occurs, please let us know which types of web files you would like to open. Arthur Xie - MSFT
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March 23rd, 2009 9:54am

I did a clean install (no upgrade) of W7 x64. Office opening webfolders like a any "normal" document on my disk.My thoughts: Arthur is right. Something must be wrong in your office 2007, not in Windows.RegardsRem
March 23rd, 2009 10:02am

Hi. Thanks for your assistance. I've reinstalled Office 2007. I've upgraded to W7RC. I still am unable to open web files in Excel 2007, Word 2007 or Windows Explorer. Everything worked fine in Vista. I can still open web files in Excel 2003, though. I can also still open web files in Expression Web 2. It seems like it must be some security setting I'm missing. I can't even navigate my website in Windows Explorer. The folders show up but none of the files show up. For example, in Excel 2007, I'm trying to save a file to my website. It works perfectly well in Excel 2003. In Excel 2007, I get the message "Document not saved". The same error message whether I'm trying to save it as an .xls file or an .htm file. If I try to add my website as a trusted location in Excel 2007, I get the message, "The path you have entered cannot be used as a Trusted Locaton for security reasons. Choose another location or a specific folder". Again, I was able to do all of the above in Vista, just not since switching to Windows 7. Could it have anything to do with Administrator rights? I'm the only user but perhaps a setting is incorrect. Any ideas?
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June 6th, 2009 12:47am

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