Windows 8.1 update error


i have windows 8.1 installed (fresh install) i noticed that windows update stuck at checking for updates forever,

the progress bar moves but no response at all, i tried to delete "SoftwareDistribution" and restart then run update again but still no update.

i also cant change profile pic or lock screen pic, it stuck at loading the new pic (size: 300kb) i chosen.

kindly if any one familiar with that issue reply with the details,


January 10th, 2014 8:31pm

Try the following method.

Control Panel --> Troubleshooting --> Fix problems with Windows Update

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
January 10th, 2014 8:35pm

Thanks for fast reply.

just tried that a couple of times, fixed something with update database, but still didnt fix update glitch. still progress bar running forever.

any other steps i should do ?

i hope getting fast reply as the last one.


January 10th, 2014 9:20pm

You can also try to run the Windows Update troubleshooter tool.

Click here.

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
January 11th, 2014 7:19am

tried that tons of times, tried tons of Microsoft technet solution, none workrd for me (or worked for any one else as i saw from tons of threads).

i just reinstalled windows.

Tip for end users who face that problem : dont bother with those solutions, just reinstall windows, its the only way to solve that issue and microsoft developers already knows that. but the dont say so cuz they dont wanna make you think they are LOOSERS.

and btw. now i know why most of people uses cracked version. because Microsoft OS's doesn't worth a penny

i hope Microsoft do a lil harder work to solve this issue or tons of bugs in their products

January 12th, 2014 12:50pm

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