Windows 8
Windows 8  Cyclic Redundancy Check Error... Ran command prompt chkdsk /f  = (data error cyclic redundancy)  Computer has been used to play online games.. Was running good.... Turned on computer and this error came up ????  how is thi
July 22nd, 2015 5:12pm

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July 22nd, 2015 5:32pm

Hi Esoto,

Please refer to the link as ZigZag posted to offer more details of the issue.

According to the error messages, we could run "chkdsk /f" as administrator to have a fix.

Best regards


July 27th, 2015 5:51am

The CRC error is usually thrown by the hard drive, the cause is likely data being incorrectly written to the hard drive. This can be caused by either the operating system being corrupt, or a power loss.

To fix a hard disk CRC error, run the CHKDSK application. In Windows Explorer, right click the affected hard drive and click Properties, then select the Tools tab, and click Check under the Error Checking Section.  (In most of the cases this doesn't work because from GUI It won't show all the properties of the disk; It will end-up without doing any disk check. The alternative to this step is execute commands from command prompt as below:
Run CMD as an Administrator
type chkdsk C: /f /r ( 'C' signifies the affected Drive). /F-fixes errors on disk,   /R locates bad sectors and recovers readable information
Run DiskPart utility from the same command prompt type DiskPart
Once utility is loaded run "rescan" command. This command locates new disks that might have been added to the computer.
Hopefully problem would be resolved and you would be able to explore your disk.

You can trace the logs of the chkdsk utility by right-clicking This PC in Windows Explorer. Expand Event Viewer then select Applications and Service Logs.
You will be informed that you need to restart the computer to perform the check, click the schedule check button, then restart the computer.

Another way to check the hard drive is to right-click on the drive, select "Tools" tab and click the "Check Now" button. A small windows will appear, make sure the "Automatically check for filesystem errors" box and the "Find and repair bad sectors" box is checked. Then click start.
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July 28th, 2015 11:31pm

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