Windows 8 - User profile cannot be deleted - Delete button grayed out


I need to delete my user profile on Windows 8. I restarted my computer and logged in as Administrator. When I go to System Properties > User Profiles, click on my profile to highlight, the Delete button remains grayed out. I have done some searching and mostly only XP is discussed. They suggest deleting the profile from within Safe Mode but I think Windows 8 dumped Safe Mode. Pressing the F8 key during boot-up has no effect.

How can I delete this profile?



July 15th, 2013 1:41pm

Run the "local users and group" MMC snapin and delete the account there.

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July 15th, 2013 2:50pm

I don't need to delete the User Account, I need to delete the User Profile.

I logged in using a different domain user account with admin rights to the computer. After that, the Delete button was no longer gray and I could delete the account. Seems funny that the local administrator account couldn't do the job.

July 15th, 2013 2:59pm


Glad to hear this issue has been solved.


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July 16th, 2013 11:09pm

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