Windows 8 Pro - One specific folder crash to desktop when I try to open it

I have a specific folder , in one of my hard drives that I can't open at all. Double click it and file explorer crashes back to desktop.

I tried change the security options to full access, for all users. Used the take ownership reg. thing. Nothing works.

Even when some application like Photoshop tries to acces this folder, the app crashes too! Please, Im getting mad here, it was happening before I format the computer. After I re-install windows 8 the problem stopped, but it's back now.

I ran Windows Defender and found nothing.

July 12th, 2013 12:05pm

Windows Explorer crashes are mostly caused by an incompatible Shell Extension.

please download this reg file from my SkyDrive:

and make a double click on the file to import it. If you can't do this, run regedit.exe and import the registry file there!

When the Windows Explorer crashes, Windows Error Reporting Service [1] creates a dmp file under C:\Localdumps. Please upload the dump file (compressed 7z or RAR to reduce the size) to your public Skydrive [2] folder and post the link here. I take a look at the dump with the Debugger, maybe I can see which Shell extension is the cause.

After you generated the dumps, download and import this regfile:

to stop the dump creation.


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July 12th, 2013 4:15pm

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