Windows 8 Pro 64-bit: WMP Network Sharing Service Error 1068


I am unable to start the WMP Network Sharing Service on my fresh install of Windows 8 Pro 64-bit. I have performed the following steps trying to resolve this:

1. A clean boot, by disabling all non-microsoft services in msconfig and disabling all start-up programs in the task manager. I also disabled my Avast Antivirus at the same time.

2. I have gone into the command prompt and performed a "sfc /scannow" command and let it run

3. All windows updates are done

4. the Universal PnP service and the SSDP Discovery service are both started

5. In my Network and Sharing center, the following have been set to 'On': Network Discovery (w/ automatic set-up, both Guest and Private), File and Printer Sharing (both Guest and Private), Allow Windows to manage homegroup connections, Public Folder Sharing. Password Protected sharing if turned 'Off'.

Is there anything else I can do?

July 13th, 2013 7:05pm

I have the exact same problem i dont have the share tab and i try many things and cant recover it. :(

Actually i also had problems runing programs as administrator, the machine just freezes. :S not all the programs toought. 
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July 14th, 2013 7:35pm

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