Windows 8 Proxy Settings
I tried to load the latest Norton Security on my pc with Windows 8. I can no longer connect to the internet. I have "internet access" which means the connection is working but I get the error that Windows cannot find Proxy Settings. I want to
connect to Fireflox but it gives me an error: "Couldn't load XPCOM".
July 22nd, 2015 3:43pm
I tried to load the latest Norton Security on my pc with Windows 8. I can no longer connect to the internet. I have "internet access" which means the connection is working but I get the error that Windows cannot find Proxy Settings. I want to connect to Fireflox but it gives me an error: "Couldn't load XPCOM".
Sorry for the trouble. Have you tried disabling Norton firewall to check if its working fine? If not, please visit to disable the firewall temporarily to check if it helps.
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July 22nd, 2015 10:37pm