Windows 8 UEFI issue with NVRAM/BIOS

Hi everyone
I'm a boy, studying MCSA 2012, I'm now a member of microsoft brotherhood. so me my brethren ;)
I have a Samsung NP900X4C ultrabook, my BIOS is Phoenix Tiano SecureCore updated to P06AAC.
problems started since I've tried to deploy windows 8 the UEFI way.

1.first I've deployed it successfully several times (and yes! using the Microsoft
UEFIGuide recommendations as mentioned in the script below):

sel disk 0
convert gpt
create part primary size=300
format quick fs=ntfs label="Windows RE Tools"
set id="de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac"
gpt attributes=0x8000000000000001

create part efi size=100
format quick fs=fat32 label="System"

create part msr size=128

create part primary
format quick fs=ntfs label="Windows"

2.and then I've applied my own captured wim and deleted/recreated ESP partition (to destroy previously initialized firmware
entries...sorry if I'm newbie) I did it several times, and yet, no problem! :

sel disk 0
sel part 2
assign letter S
sel part 4
assign letter W
:\>bcdboot W:\windows /s S: /f ALL

3. I've installed Windows Server 2012 on a VHD (using VMware) and then added the boot entry to my BCD. so now I have a dual boot BIOS entry (I guess because the VHD was MBR)...and still no problem!

4.I've decided to get the benefits out of my knowledge, so asked my self : "why dual boot? that increases the boot time!"
I've made some tricks using batch files to make my computer to import the previously exported BCD store that has only one boot entry  for WS2012 (in windows 8) and restart automatically so WS2012 boots
up...and vice versa. still no problem!

5.but guess what? I was importing duplicate firmwareapplications too! and it means after each boot altering, my efi bootmgr had about 8 more firmware entries. 8+8+8+......and so on! (but don't mad at me, I  didn't know about bcdedit /import /clean option yet!) so after about 4 boot altering and 1 resume from hibernation, then another boot altering, it happened! it delayed while importing BCD store and after gone dark, restarted automatically again and no more POST screen...BIOS died. (if it helps, my Fast BIOS mode/Skip post screen was enabled) my guess was that duplicate entries, overloaded POST check. (but I was wrong!!)

6.just came from samsung service (in another town :| ) and fixed the problem bye reflashing BIOS. deployed my custom wim and decided to check the /clean option. export the fabric BCD, import again using /clean, query the firmware and yes! it works! no duplicate firmwares! restart to change back my BIOS options to default. pressing F2 like walk in the park...and BIOS screen simply ignores me! :) it boots to win8 directly! ( I can see BIOS POST screen) so how do I boot from my USB
drive? :| so I found the problem. it's about NVRAM! my bios has a problem with NVRAM resetting/reinitializing. after that,
the ACPI button check on startup configuration will be lost and I can not enter BIOS setup physically.


A. ENTER BIOS USING UEFI FIRMWARE SETTINGS (windows8): PC Settings charm> change PC settings> General> Advanced startup> Restart Now> Troubleshoot> Advanced Options> UEFI
Firmware Settings tile (that it doesn't exist for me :)

B.REQUEST A TICKET FROM SAMSUNG REMOTE CONSULTATION: after remotely connecting to my computer and hang around my applications, and recommending to lock my FN key, he says we can only help you about software problems...not hardware! :) HOPEFULLY HELPFUL!!

still I can see the BIOS POST check and it truly works fine! but it didn't reset at all! still F2 doesn't work.

for God sake, I just need to get into my BIOS, then I can disable my EFI support and install as MBR. I saw this some were, it should be called device mapping table, some kind of boot addressing using Device/location

Firmware Application (101fffff)


identifier              {93cee844-f524-11db-af62-aa767141e6b3}

description           Acpi(PNP0A03,0)/Pci(1F|1)/Ata(Primary,Reference)/CDROM(Entry1)

so I'm thinking that UEFI FIRMWARE SETTINGS tile, must use something like that to find and boot into BIOS! I need someone to help me create this firmware application manually.what is the physical address of my BIOS? how to create a firmware entry for that?any one? any other really working idea?...and ANY HELP WOULD BE REALLY APPRECIATED!!


September 25th, 2013 8:55pm

Hi ,

If you only want to boot to BIOS, does deleting the original partition and cleanup the disk work?

For your information:

Boot a PC in UEFI Mode or Legacy BIOS-compatibility mode


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October 1st, 2013 8:25am

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