Windows 8 displaying menus and apps in two different languages

Hi, i've recently installed Windows 8 Pro on an empty drive, since I live in Brazil (and purchased my computer here), I've set my input language to Portuguese but I chose to use the system in English, as a personal preference.

The problem is that even though major parts of the system are in fact in english, stock Modern UI apps such as Weather, People, Photos (and so on..) are displayed in Portuguese (from the name - like Clima, Pessoas, Fotos - to the menus). Is there any way i can use those apps in English too like the rest of the system? Windows Explorer and the whole Desktop experience seems to be in the correct language..

Thank you in advance

August 6th, 2013 8:59pm


To change the display language for Modern UI applications, please follow these steps:

Please check the region of your computer refer to above post and check the account location for your Windows Store. Make sure that you have change them all under US.

If these doesnt work, try following steps.

Try steps here to change Windows display language:

Language packs are available for Windows 8 and for Windows RT

Please make sure that after Adding English in Change your language preference screen, click Option after  English in this screen, and under Windows display language, click Make this the primary language.

During this process, you may need to install language package for English.

Hope these could be helpful and keep post.

August 8th, 2013 4:39am

Hello and thank you for your response!

I did this and double checked my language configuration but unfortunately it didn't change the language used on those specific apps that I mentioned.

I took a screenshot to better illustrate my problem but I cannot include an image or link because my account here wasn't "verified" yet (not sure how to proceed to make it so). But at the start menu, even though the charms menu (and all other context menus for that matter), the "Desktop", "Store" and the "Start" at the top are in english, apps like weather, people, music, etc are still in portuguese. And i'm not even using the keyboard in portuguese anymore, though I'm still not in the US. Do I need to uninstall them and download from the Store a version in english? (if this is possible)

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August 8th, 2013 6:08pm

I'm back with a solution!

After a quick search, I've found an option to change your PCs location settings (you can find this by searching for "location" on the start screen and then selecting "Change Location" under the Settings search results).

Here I was able to change to "United States" and after a reboot, I noticed that now I was accessing the american Windows 8 Store (top apps were very different), then, after uninstalling one of the stock apps that was in portuguese I went to the Store -> right clicked -> "Your Apps" -> "Apps not installed on this computer" -> found my app listed there and clicked "install". After this I opened the app and it was all in english like I wanted to. Now I'm doing this steps to the other ones that needed to be in english.

Thank you for your time!

August 8th, 2013 9:15pm

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