Windows 8 screen saver login

I want to have it so some windows 8 Machines don't lockout the screen and require a password to get back in. I don't care if the screen goes dark or a screen saver I just don't want to have to put in a password to get back in.

I've tried everything I can find. Power setting that say do not require password at wake up, doesn't work,

Tried the group policies that work for Windows 7, Don't work

Tried some registry settings, don't work

Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Policies > Microsoft > Windows.
Create a new DWORD 32-bit and name it as "NoLockScreen".
Set its value to "1" , to disable the lockscreen.
Set its value to "0" , to enable the lockscreen.

Is there any way of making it for some users to not have to put in a password after the screen goes dark in Windows 8.1?

April 14th, 2015 3:43pm

Even tried this

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
April 14th, 2015 3:44pm

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