Windows 8 wireless connect before Windows / domain logon

Hi All,

We as a organisation are moving towards purchasing Windows 8 tablets for certain users.

One issue I am stuck with tablets not generally having ethernet adapters as standard is making them connect to wireless before logging onto the domain. Especially for users that have never logged onto the domain before and require the initial profilew set up and policy applying etc.

Has anyone found a sure way of having the machines connect to wireless and properly wait for a logon server before proceeding to logon to Windows?

I have used the method of enabling single sign on for the network, and to perform immediately before logon, as below but found that it doesn't work properly for forst time logons.

Any suggestions?



July 18th, 2013 10:22am

I suggest to try to disable fast logon for test: 

  1.     Open the Group Policy Object where you have preference items.
  2.     Enable the 'Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon' setting (disable fast logon feature) in Computer Configuration--->Administrative Templates--->System--->Logon.
  3.     Run 'gpupdate /force' in command prompt and then restart the clients to get policies refreshed.


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July 19th, 2013 4:02am

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