Windows Activation Technologies Update for Windows 7
Ah how nice microsoft has brought out yet another tool that apparently runs in the background and sending data back and forth I hope you keep this item voluntary because its not needed as i know and plenty of others know if there copy of windows is genuie or not, also maybe microsoft will get it into there stupid heads to stop charging UK/EU of what americans pay eh? that would be one reason for piracy never the less mine is genuie and im sure we havent forgot the last disaster from when microsoft released a tool like this years ago, i guess microsoft employees have "short term memories"
February 12th, 2010 3:44am

Doesn't sound like much of a change to me: Although the Update will not be directly offered through Windows Server Update Services (WSUS), which is used by enterprise customers to manage the distribution of software updates in their IT environment, a WSUS administrator can import this update into WSUS through the Microsoft Update catalog . I’d like to stress that the Update is voluntary, which means that you can choose not to install it when you see it appear on Windows Update. I also want to stress that installing this update will not jeopardize your privacy; although the update contacts Microsoft’s servers to check for new threats as I outline below, the information we receive from PCs during these checks does not include any personally identifiable information or any other information that Microsoft can use to identify or contact you. This update follows the same stringent and secure set of privacy principles and policies as other downloads. The update can also be uninstalled at any time.Rich
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February 12th, 2010 4:36am

Huh, This is where I get a little fuzzy: "The update can also be uninstalled at any time." So, for any person who is running a non-genuine (and marked as such) version of Windows - all the user has to do to stop the changes to their system is simply uninstall this update and opt-out of future updates like this? It would seem to defeat the purpose of the update. Is it reasonable to assume that even though the update may be uninstalled, that components of that update may be left behind to continue "phoning home"? Something fishy there. Speaking of "does not include any personally identifiable information" - while it may not include your name an address in the packets sent to Microsoft - it DOES include your IP Address, which can fairly easily be tracked back to you through your ISP (in most cases) if required. That point is dubious at best. I suspect this will raise many questions (if it already hasn't). Kevin Costain @calwell on Twitter Calwell's Blog Google Profile (Buzz)
February 12th, 2010 4:58pm

Hi,if I ain't wrong, the update can be uninstalled but non-genuine software will still be marked, even after the uninstall."I think there is a world market for maybe five computers. (Thomas J. Watson, Sr.)
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February 12th, 2010 11:08pm

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