Windows Easy Transfer couldn't open the file
I'm trying to copy a user profile from one to the other. The given machine is changing domains. So I: - Loaded easy transfer and created a .mig file on a second hard drive in the machine. - Changed domain memberships - Logged in to the new domain as the new user, with admin privs. - Load Easy Transfer, it finds the file ok, looks at it for a couple of minutes and then says it can't open it. I've tried copying the file to the local C drive and I get he same results. No additional information, no error details. I did this on my own laptop exactly without a problem. Why won't this machine do the same thing? It's not from a different version of Windows, it's created by this machine. Any ideas? Thanks
January 25th, 2011 3:29pm

Hi, Please understand you need use Regarding the Windows Easy Transfer issue, I hope the following KB is helpful. If the original computer is Windows XP or Windows Vista, you can go to the following link to download the WET. Regards, NikiPlease remember to click "Mark as Answer" on the post that helps you, and to click "Unmark as Answer" if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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January 27th, 2011 4:27am

Thanks, I tried that and many other suggestions. None work. WEP is broken garbage with no resolution. Thanks for the suggestion though.
January 28th, 2011 3:05pm

Try taking ownership of the file - . Jerry
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January 28th, 2011 3:53pm

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