Windows Explorer crashes, or hangs when using Compter Management software
I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit, and just recently added a second un-formatted hard drive. Upon the initialization of the formatting of the drive, using the Computer Management software within Windows,windows explorer posted an error message along the lines of "windows explorer has stopped working", or responding, and then went on to attempt to find a solution to the problem. Where this computer is situated, it doesn't redily have access to the internet, but the program continued to function. The next morning (I left it format the drive, and went to bed), I went to check things out and shut down the computer, but it was all ready shut down. I don't have the computer set to shut off after any length of time, but when I went to boot up, it took me to the boot menu with the options to "start in safe mode", "start normally", etc... Everything seems to work fine after that, and the format it was completing seemed to finish. I have experienced other similar problems to this with other software, non OS software. Most of the time it has seemed that I get the same boot menu when I had set a program to run/download something, and have the "shut down computer when completed" box checked off. Is there a compatibility issues with something here, or is this something that is isolated to just me, and how do I fix this?? I am having other issues with this OS, but am still searching the forums to see if I can find someone who has the same problems, and hopefully find the solutions.
July 31st, 2009 4:19am

Well, probably exploring My Compter while formatting D: was something you don't want to repeat.At least Win7 waited until after formatting completed to gag and shut down.I wouldn't sweat it. ;)
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July 31st, 2009 8:41am

I have a similar problem, but it is chronic. After formatting a new drive (NOT the one I'm using for win7 system partition!), entering the Computer Management pane causes the OS to crash. I had been running win7 RC for months with no problems, but now I can't enter the Computer Management console without the system crashing.
August 23rd, 2009 3:12am

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