Windows Explorer fails on Users 2,3,4 but is OK on User 1
On Users 2, 3, 4 when I click on My Documents, My Computer, or Control Panel the computer instantly freezes up and I have to hard reboot. I did some reg fix from the internet so that other folders & programs could open instead of freezing, it was a reg fix for .lnk & .exe files that became delinked, but it didn't fix the Windows Explorer issue. I've used Process Monitor and that freezes instantaneously when I click on My computer, etc. When I bring up Task Manager, the CPU & RAM numbers are frozen instantly at either no reading, 0, or a real number but insta-frozen. I've tried opening explorer.exe from Task Manager and it locks up the computer. I've got a feeling it's the Explorer folder next to explorer.exe that is the problem. I've deleted User 4 and created a new user with the same name & again with a slightly different name and it is still locked up. Why User 1 is OK, I don't know.2 people need an answerI do too
May 10th, 2010 4:36am

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May 25th, 2010 9:54am

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