Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are sorry for the inconvenience.  Cannot right click!!
Ihave received the above message after "right clicking" a file (eg. renaming, copying, deleting, etc.) so many times that I about to go crazy! I have tried so many different things to no avail. I am desperately needing help!!I hope someone can provide quick assistance!Kindly,CJ211 person needs an answerI do too
September 15th, 2010 1:55pm

Of course Windows Explorer should not by crashing, but at least it is polite about it. When you right click something Explorer would like to offer you a context menu of options.Some of these right click options are built in to Explorer and some get added by other programs you install, downloads, etc.If it is Windows Explorer that is reporting the problem, suspect a non Microsoft Explorer Shell Extension. Shell Extensions help make up the Right Click menu for files you see in Explorer.You can download ShellExView from here to see which ones you have loaded: doesn't install anything on your computer, it just runs and displays.When you launch it, the non MS extensions will be in light pink, but on some systems that is a hard color to see, so click View, Choose Columns and move the Microsoft column closer to the top so you can see it on your screen without having to scroll left and right.Sort the display by clicking the Microsoft column so all the "No"s are at the top and easy to see.The "No"s would be things you have added (non MS).I am not a trial and error advocate, but I can't think of another way to do this...Right click and disable the non Microsoft extensions one at a time keeping a list so you can enable them again later if desired. The result of the change is immediate and no reboot is required. Test your failure condition. If you recognize any extensions that may have been added or downloaded recently, start with those. The Extensions are not uninstalled, just disabled.You can also disable all the non Microsoft extensions, reboot and enable them one at a time until you find the one that generates the condition.The hope is that you will find the one Extension that causes the error and then you can figure out what to do about it - usually get an update from the maker of the extension from their WWW page.I don't have your issue but I can when you disable/enable the extensions, the Extension is immediately disabled, so disabling one does not seem to require a reboot but if you find the problem, I would reboot anyway to really be sure.If you find the extension that is the problem, please let us know what it is so i can add it to my list.It would be a good idea to scan for malicious software in your troubleshooting efforts with these free scanning tools: Download, install, update and do a full scan with these free malware detection programs:Malwarebytes (MBAM): (SAS): can be uninstalled later if desired. Don't guess what the problem might be - figure it out and fix it. I need YOUR votes and points for helpful replies and Propose as Answers. I am saving up for a pony!
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September 15th, 2010 3:49pm

Of course Windows Explorer should not by crashing, but at least it is polite about it. When you right click something Explorer would like to offer you a context menu of options.Some of these right click options are built in to Explorer and some get added by other programs you install, downloads, etc.If it is Windows Explorer that is reporting the problem, suspect a non Microsoft Explorer Shell Extension. Shell Extensions help make up the Right Click menu for files you see in Explorer.You can download ShellExView from here to see which ones you have loaded: doesn't install anything on your computer, it just runs and displays.When you launch it, the non MS extensions will be in light pink, but on some systems that is a hard color to see, so click View, Choose Columns and move the Microsoft column closer to the top so you can see it on your screen without having to scroll left and right.Sort the display by clicking the Microsoft column so all the "No"s are at the top and easy to see.The "No"s would be things you have added (non MS).I am not a trial and error advocate, but I can't think of another way to do this...Right click and disable the non Microsoft extensions one at a time keeping a list so you can enable them again later if desired. The result of the change is immediate and no reboot is required. Test your failure condition. If you recognize any extensions that may have been added or downloaded recently, start with those. The Extensions are not uninstalled, just disabled.You can also disable all the non Microsoft extensions, reboot and enable them one at a time until you find the one that generates the condition.The hope is that you will find the one Extension that causes the error and then you can figure out what to do about it - usually get an update from the maker of the extension from their WWW page.I don't have your issue but I can when you disable/enable the extensions, the Extension is immediately disabled, so disabling one does not seem to require a reboot but if you find the problem, I would reboot anyway to really be sure.If you find the extension that is the problem, please let us know what it is so i can add it to my list.It would be a good idea to scan for malicious software in your troubleshooting efforts with these free scanning tools: Download, install, update and do a full scan with these free malware detection programs:Malwarebytes (MBAM): (SAS): can be uninstalled later if desired. Don't guess what the problem might be - figure it out and fix it. I need YOUR votes and points for helpful replies and Propose as Answers. I am saving up for a pony!
September 15th, 2010 3:49pm

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