Windows Home Server and Windows 7
Ive got WHS will it work with Windows 7?Am I able to backup under W 7 and can I reach itwith the WHS console ?
January 10th, 2009 4:22pm

Have you tried it? The point of the beta is to test things :-)Kerry Brown MS-MVP - Windows Desktop Experience
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January 10th, 2009 6:11pm

Yes it works. Back up and restore functions are working.
January 10th, 2009 9:34pm

I did try and it works well. Thanks
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January 11th, 2009 6:47pm

I had to reinstall the Home Server Connector software because I did an upgrade from my Vista installation, but after that it worked just fine. My nightly backup went off without a hitch and my server's Videos and Music folders have been added to the Windows 7 Libraries successfully.
January 11th, 2009 7:23pm

I upgraded from Vista Business x64 the Windows 7 Ultimate x64. I had to reinstall the connector. It's doing a full backup as I type this.Kerry Brown MS-MVP - Windows Desktop Experience
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January 11th, 2009 9:14pm

It's working for me in 64-bit.Not a big deal, but in the WHS Console under the "Computers & Backup" tab, the operating system is listed as "Windows Vista Ultimate Edition" instead of "Windows 7 Ultimate Edition."
January 11th, 2009 9:26pm

Just a note for Windows 7 users and Windows Home Server (WHS) in regard to running backups of your Windows 7 machine if configured fora dual boot installation of W7 & Vista (or maybe other OS). I have a dual boot system configuration with W7-64bit and Vista Ultimate-64bit. Each OS resides on it's own HDD. This configseems to work fine, and at boot I get to choose which OS I want to start, however I found that default configuration for WHS backups for the W7 computer was set up to back up both C: as well as a reference to the drive which Vista resides on, which access to the drive under W7 is not set up by default to see it. (I don't think W7 is even mounting the Vista drive) Because of this,backup of the W7 machine would hang and fail. Fix: By going into the WHS backup config and unselecting the Vista Ultimate drive on my W7 machine, all is now well and backups run with no problem. Perhaps this will save others some time and frustration to get WHS backups working on their W7 dual boot machine. Cheers!
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January 29th, 2009 5:41pm

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