Windows Media player
Why doesn' t wmplayer have a (pulldown) menu for searching & playing MP3 files on my HD ?
March 11th, 2009 8:35pm

EQ2000 said: Why doesn' t wmplayer have a (pulldown) menu for searching & playing MP3 files on my HD ?HiI changed your post type from a Question to a Discussion, because a question like this is unanswerable.There is really nobody posting here who can answer questions about why a particular design decision was implemented or not implemented?The only thing we can do is speculate or just guess about the reason.We have provided an official feedback thread (You already know this) that you can use to make the product team aware of your request for a certain feature.Thanks for understanding.Thank You for testing Windows 7 Beta Ronnie Vernon MVP
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March 11th, 2009 9:12pm

<Why doesn' t wmplayer have a (pulldown) menu for searching & playing MP3 files on my HD ?>Because it has an integrated Search function, and assumes (generally, I think, safely, in this case) that any media that you'd want to play in WMP is already located in a monitored folder, and will, therefore, be in the library database (and, therefore, searchable)?But, that's just me. :)As Ronnie said: without directly asking those members of the Win7 team that made that decision (and, I'm not sure that they post here), there's no way to give you the 'proper' (read: "from the horse's mouth") answer.My $0.02,Chris[If this post helps to resolve your issue, please click the "Mark as Answer" or "Helpful" button at the top of this message. By marking a post as Answered, or Helpful you help others find the answer faster.]
March 12th, 2009 3:10am

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