Windows RT's Future?

Not sure if this is the correct forum to post to, but this seemed the best choice from those listed.

I'm wondering if anyone from Microsoft could grant insight as to where Windows RT's future is headed.

Mary Jo Foley's question of Microsoft's Terry Myerson on RT's future (CNET article on Microsoft OS chief sees a One Windows future (Q&A) - see link below), did not yield any clarity.  Myerson only affirmed that Windows' ARM and Intel processors have a future, but he did not at all speak to Windows RT's future itself.

We users would appreciate just a bit more guidance, please.  For those who don't get Windows RT, let me say that it essentially locks down the desktop and includes Office on a tablet and does not allow desktop programs to be installed, which results in an amazingly carefree operating system.  From a security point of view, some like that.  Im one of those that do.  I have a Surface 2 tablet and have bought many Surfaces for our company.  I'd like to know if that "RT" tablet platform with Office goes away or not.  Will this specialty operating system disappear? 

Could anyone provide a little bit more info than did Myerson?  Will there at some point be Intel tablets with RT?

By the way, anyone interested can read the interview article on CNET at

Please accept my appreciation to whomever might be able to bring some clarity to this issue.

  • Edited by TMiq Friday, April 18, 2014 6:23 AM Grammatical
April 18th, 2014 2:41am

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