Windows Security center GUI problem. starts, runs, and notifies as designed. However
I have been reinstalling XP and its updates. At some point the Security Center window has had a problem. Security Center starts, runs, and notifies as designed. However the window can not come up. When I shut down Windows, I get a "can't shut down" error for rundll32.exe. I am able to manually terminate it. I can bring up the individual windows for firewall, downloads ready, etc, but not the Security Center window with the 3 units listed.1 person needs an answerI do too
April 25th, 2010 11:47pm

Click on the link below and run FixExe. I'm not sure this will solve the issue but it is worth a try. exe.fixSometimes deciding which battle to fight is the toughest battle of all.. Please visit my website @ If I can take the time to answer you can take the time to vote to enable others to find solutions easier.
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April 26th, 2010 3:42am

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