Windows Store error code: 0xd00000bb

Hello guys,

so i changed my AppStore profile directory from C:/Programm Files/WindowsApps to D:/Programm Files/WindowsApps with the regestery.

Now i get this error code: 0xd00000bb whenever i tried to install any app.

Does anyone know where i can find the error codes and what they stand for? Or maybe how to fix this problem?

Thank you guys

ps: No i can't change it back to the C drive cause i got a small SSD on this drive...

January 10th, 2014 3:23am

Hi this seems like an amateur registry change that may have left behind traces of File Paths to the locations you have specified, if your program files are actually spelled the way you have spelt them then change the back immediately, it is not recommended to change file paths of windows applications as other application may rely on those files being there, the error code you are receiving is basically rejecting the file path you have given it meaning it is throwing up the error, the obvious solution is to change what you did back to its default by using the registry backup you should create before editing any part of the registry.... If you have not then you need to Google the error code you are receiving and find out how to reverse the changes made....

Why can you not change it back if it was on there previously, JUST have windows and all related apps on the SSD and move everything else on the D: drive

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January 10th, 2014 8:24am


yeah i misspelled it ;) the curret location ofr PackageRoot is: D:\Program Files\WindowsApps.

i know i can undo the changes, but isn't there any possibility to change the path of Windows Apps?

I hope Microsoft will add this feature asap...

January 10th, 2014 5:54pm

How did you change the location of windows apps? I think this issue might be related with some registry entries in your system, by default, windows has a "PackageRoot" string for entry "Appx" in registry, the default valudata is "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps".

I would like to share the following two links with you:

How To Install Windows 8 App Store Apps On Different Drive Location

How to install windows apps to an SD card or another drive

NOTE This response contains a reference to a third party World Wide Web site. Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you. Microsoft does not control these sites and has not tested any software or information found on these sites.


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January 13th, 2014 9:34pm

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