Windows Task Manager Pops Up Involuntarily
My windows task manager keeps poping up involuntarily in Windows 7. I pops up on its on about every 30 seconds or so without be called on. If installing new software it pops up and stays up even when I repeatly minimize or try to close it. I have selected the option of run behind windows and that doesn't help either. I have to move it around on the screen to get to the windows below. If I type on a window behind the task manager, it goes away for a moment then jumps back up to the front. How do I stop this madness?
March 10th, 2012 6:38am

1. Make sure that Task Manager is not in any startuo group. 2. Use Process Monitor to catch the process that starts Task Manager. 3. What did you before it started to happen, any installation, configuration,etc. Are there any activity traces in event logs? Regards Milos
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March 10th, 2012 8:18am

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