Windows Updates fail
Since installing Windows 7,Windows updates have consistently failed. Whenever Itry I get an 80072EE2 error and it fails.I have followed all the steps found here: addition, I have disabled firewall + anti-virus, run in safe mode, and re-added the network connection. None of this has made it work.On a (possibly) related note, I am unable to install the latest Live due to the fact that it saysthat it can not connect to the internet and I am unable to use Live Messenger 8.5.Firewall: Windows DefenderAnti-Virus: AvastWindows 7, build 7000
January 14th, 2009 9:23pm

Hi, Did you enable Microsoft Update? If so, please disable Microsoft Update to test the problem. If you disabled Microsoft Update, please enable it to test the problem. Hope it helps.
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January 16th, 2009 1:00pm

Apologies for the slow reply time, I took the computer to the school's tech support after troubleshooting above did not resolve the problem.Is there any possibility that a reinstall of Windows 7 would resolve the issue?
January 17th, 2009 12:26pm

A reinstall should fix this issue. As both of my installs work properly. So i dont see why a reinstall wouldnt work in your case. If you previously did a upgrade it could be that a part of the upgrade corrupted a part of the Os that didnt allow for this to work. ~Alex T.~Windows Desktop Experience MVP~
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January 17th, 2009 10:32pm

jolsby said:Since installing Windows 7,Windows updates have consistently failed. Whenever Itry I get an 80072EE2 error and it fails.I have followed all the steps found here: addition, I have disabled firewall + anti-virus, run in safe mode, and re-added the network connection. None of this has made it work.On a (possibly) related note, I am unable to install the latest Live due to the fact that it saysthat it can not connect to the internet and I am unable to use Live Messenger 8.5.Firewall: Windows DefenderAnti-Virus: AvastWindows 7, build 7000Windows Update not functioning is related to the lack of network connectivity. 0x80072EE2 ERROR_INTERNET_TIMEOUTYou could attempt to rebuild the winsock stack and see if that restores connectivity -Click Start > type in cmd > right click cmd, choose ' Run as adminstrator'Follow any prompts to allow the Elevated Command Prompt to run.At the prompt, type in netsh winsock resetPress EnterYou should receive a message that the system needs to be restarted to rebuild the winsock stack.Type in exitRestart now and see if that restores connectivity.How to determine and recover from Winsock 2 corruption ...MowGreen MVP Data Center Management - Update Services Consumer Security
January 17th, 2009 11:54pm

I've been having similartroubles with Windows Updates as well, but after I turnedthe firewall offit went just fine. I'm using the firewall fromAVG Internet Security 8.0.233.
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January 18th, 2009 7:47am

I finally found the solution.I remembered hearing that McAffee frequently caused trouble with Windows 7 and as I used to use it I decided to look in the folder.Turns out there were some junk files left over from the uninstall that, when deleted, made updates work. Thanks to you all for the help!
January 19th, 2009 6:04am

jolsby said: I finally found the solution.I remembered hearing that McAffee frequently caused trouble with Windows 7 and as I used to use it I decided to look in the folder.Turns out there were some junk files left over from the uninstall that, when deleted, made updates work. Thanks to you all for the help!Thanks for posting this information. In the future, in order to pinpoint why a system can not connect with the update servers, it helps immensely if one posts the name of the installed antivirus/security suite software/3rd party firewall and if a previous version of either has been uninstalled and replaced.For anyone following this thread, if a previous security suite that includes a firewall or a standalone antivirus software has been uninstalled and replaced by another security suite or antivirus software, when a communication issue with the update server appears [ error codes 80072EE2, 800A01AD, 0x80072EFD, 0x80072EE7, 0x80072EFE, 800705B4, 0x80072F76 ], it is always best to check with the manufacturer's web site to see if they have an uninstall tool that removes all remnants of said software. This has been an ongoing issue in the Windows Update newsgroup caused by previous versions of McAfee and Norton with past editions of Windows . Also, misconfigured 3rd party firewalls will cause the same communication issue, among other issues.You may encounter temporary connection- related errors when you use Windows Update or Microsoft Update to install updatesMowGreen MVP Data Center Management - Update Services Consumer Security
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January 20th, 2009 5:55pm

Apologies, I had uninstalled it over a year ago and as such did not even consider it when it came to troubleshooting.
January 20th, 2009 10:03pm

No apology is necessary. How would a User possibly know that security software uninstalled a year ago would be the cause of current updating issues ? That is an issue that the manufacturer of said security software caused. Their software could remove all registry references and remnants IF it were properly written. In an attempt to prevent malware from tampering with said security software, the Vendors have morphed their products into behaving as malware does ... eg. preventing a system from obtaining needed Security updates. MowGreen MVP Data Center Management - Update Services Consumer Security
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January 21st, 2009 10:21pm

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