Windows Vista Ultimate blue screen - Atheros 802.11b/g Wireless Network Adapter
I bought a new HP Desktop d4790y with Windows Vista Home Basic, and then upgraded with a shrink-wrapped copy of Windows Vista Ultimate (although I don't think has anything to do with the upgrade). Whenever the desktop goes to "sleep", and then when I try to re-use it after "awakening" it, the Atheros 802.11 b/g Wireless Network Adapter (branded as HP Wireless Network Adapter) isn't able to reconnect, and it causes Windows to freeze, and when I do a CTRL-ALT-DEL, it causes Windows to become unstable (blue screen), and crash dumps its memory before re-booting. Has anyone else had this situation? What's the workaround (aside from turning off the "sleep" setting)? HP Support (some guy called "Nick Jefferson") refused to help me since I had upgraded to Vista Ultimate without having bought Ultimate from HP. Thanks!
March 27th, 2007 9:41pm

I have this problem as well. I had it BEFORE I upgraded to Vista Ultimate. I have the Intel a/b/g card. Sometimes, when resuming from sleep, the wireless network becomes unresponsive and will not re-connect. If I try to put the computer back to sleep after this happens, the computer hangs while trying to go into sleep, with the screen off. At that point all I can do is unplug/remove battery and reboot it. What REALLY sucks is when it does go to sleep and I put it in my bag, then it wakes up to hibernate a few hours later, and hangs, and starts over-heating in my bag. I've also noticed that sometimes (can't get it to do this consistently) when I try to reboot the machine to get the wireless card to reconnect (after wireless stops connecting), the machine will crash during the shutdown phase of the reboot.I think its a problem some interaction between power management and the wireless network driver - I've had the same problem on my V2000 machine that runs XP pro and a Broadcom wireless card ever since I got it 2 years ago. I don't think this is a Vista problem, or even a network card driver problem (because I have both a Broadcom and Intel card exhibiting the same behavior). If I had the time, I'd try to escalate this issue with HP as a hardware problem that needs to be addressed regardless of the OS running on the machine.I've also read that the current released nVidia drivers cause problems with sleep mode (there's a beta version that had the issue addressed) but since my V2000 has an ATI card and still does this, I don't think that's the problem.I'd love to see a solution.
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March 31st, 2007 8:55pm

Ive just bought an HP Pavilion m7595a with an ?Atheros WiFi card, and while it worked perfectly in this machine in XP Media version, it no longer does so after upgrading to Vista Home Permium, despite multiple reinstalls, new drivers etc. Does all versions of Vista support wireless? It implies that this is restricted to only certain flavours of Vista.. its all far to complicated and time consuming. Any ideas as HP tech support seem to have exhausted their options.
April 2nd, 2007 1:24pm

Possible solution: I noticed in the event logs that the problem was caused by "router not responding to DHCP" or something similar...don't have the exact wording. I then tried power-cycling my router, and sometimes it would start working. So just on a lark, I went on the router's web site and had a look. The problem may be with the router's firmware! I use a Linksys WRT54GS router, and new VERY recent firmware was available. After updating the firmware, I have had no problems connecting or getting in and out of sleep mode. I know the linksys router use a very common chipset found in MANY other routers, so firmware might be based on the same code and have the same errors. I know I have also seen similar problems with Belkin and some Netgear routers as well. The firmware was a pretty recent relase,Feb 2007, which is suspiciously close to the release of Vista(considering that this router is almost 4 years old, and there are versions of this router that go back 7+ years). Might as well have a look and see if there's a firmware update for the router - worked for me.
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April 2nd, 2007 10:51pm

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