Windows XP: Red Blocked Screen shows up when trying to view a website
This is my first time posting on this so I hope I am doing this right. Here is my current problem: I have Windows XP and was using Internet Explorer 7 but recently went back to try to fix my problem and now I am using Internet Explorer 6. I have not been able to view most websites, sometimes they work occassionally. I am suprised I am able to use this website right now. Even the microsoft website usually does not work. A screen comes up that is red and shows about:blank where you normally put your url address and then where the screen is Red, in the middle of it shows what is at the end of this post. It also has a red shield with a X in it. If i click under more information where it has ignore threats and continue browsing or visit web protection site, it automatically takes me to another website where it says the computer may have malicious spyware and it is advertising for you to buy the program called Personal Security. It does NOT have a place to click not interested or anything like that. I have tried all kinds of ways to figure out if it is the Internet Explorer that is doing this or Microsoft Updates. I do have iolo system mechanic, iolo virus protection, firewall, and am using the automatic updates. Any help will be greatly appreciated............... This website has been reported as unsafe We strongly recommend to discontinue the use of this website. This website has been reported to Microsoft for containing threats that might steal personal or financial information from your computer
March 27th, 2010 1:32am

Please do not include links to malicious URLs in your posts. Your system is infected with a rogue security program. It is called "rogue" because it pretends to be A Good Guy but is really Evil. Do not pay them! Look for removal steps here Bleeping Computer removal how-to's - or here - Malwarebytes malware removal guides - Malwarebytes' Anti-malware (MBAM) or SuperAntiSpyware will often do the job. Both have free versions and you do not need to purchase these programs. These may work for you and all may be well. However, in many cases the computer will also be infected with other trojans and protected by a rootkit. These machines are extremely difficult to clean. If your machine is one of these cases, either get guided help at one of the specialty forums listed at the link below OR take your machine to a local computer professional OR back up your data and do a clean install of Windows. It is your choice. I don't recommend using BigComputerStore/GeekSquad types of places. - Elephant Boy Computers - Don't Panic!
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March 27th, 2010 3:42pm

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