Windows XP - Admin Account hidden???
Hi,Well the other day I created a new admin account, and also another "limted" user account, everything was fine until i realised that i couldn't log back into my main admin account. I should've had:-1x Original Administrator Account (with all my files)-1xNew "Admin" account ( no files)-1x"limited" user account (no files) But....i only have the bottom two. AND, i lost all my files. I know other people have experienced similar problems, but i really need to know:How do i log back into the original admin account???At the welcome screen there are only 2 accounts, there should be 3 :SPlease Help!?!?1 person needs an answerI do too
September 24th, 2010 7:13pm

Hi,You should be able to get the 1x Original Administrator Account by restarting PC and keep tapping F8 key and go to safe mode.Also you can get the files from the above by,Start - double click My Computer - double click harddisk C:\ - Documents and Settings -You should see a all user folder and 3 user Folders including Your 1x Original Administrator Account folder.You should be able to access your files now.If you want to copy the files to the new admin users folder. Copy the My Docs, Favorites, Desktop folders and paste them to the 2nd Admin folder.Say Yes to all messages. Please bear in mind, that my answer is based on the details given in your post. The more I get the better the answer, Slan go foill, Paul
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September 25th, 2010 8:03am

thankyou for your prompt reply, I managed to get all my files back so THANKYOU very much :D
September 25th, 2010 10:56pm

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