Windows XP Standby Mode ... What triggers Windows XP to go to standby mode?
Hi, 1. We know that when Windows XP System is Idle, there are several conditions that are required to consider the system to be idle. If the following conditions are true for at least the last 10 minutes, then the system is idle. a)There is no user input, b) CPU and disk utilization levels are less than 10 percent, c) The system is not running on battery power, and d) No presentation program, such as a slide show or a movie player, is running. The question is what determines "disk utilization"? or what type of task or disk utilization level reset the idle system counter? 2. What the secuence and steps when a Windows XP Desktop is set to standby mode after 30 min? Is there any picture or diagram that could describe this sequence better. Thanks for your support,
April 22nd, 2010 8:05pm

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