Windows bakup/WBAdmin in Windows 7 Pro
The company I work for is getting ready to start using Windows 7 on a larger scale, however the one sticking point we have right now is a backup solution. We are currently testing the Windows 7 backup and Symantec Backup Exec. I have been using the Windows 7 backup solution but have a couple issue that I wanted to see if I could get help with. If I setup the backup through the GUI it works fine. I can specify the individual file/folders I want to backup and back them up to a networks share. The issue I have with this however is the network credentials. For the first 90 days the backup works fine but once the user's password expires they have to re-enter their credentials, which as far as I can tell entails resetting up the backup. I have not found an option to just tell it to use the new credentials. We did think about not using the user's credentials to run the backup and insteading using an account that does not expire, however our backup server has quotas on the user's folders based on their AD account. So if we use a generic account we lose those quotas. I then though I could just write a simple batch script using WBAdmin, however if I try to specify specific files and folders it tells me "A partial backup of volumes is not supported on this version of Windows.". What version of Windows do I need to run partial backups?
January 11th, 2011 11:01am

ipi1980, The behavior your are seeing is by design. Partial backup is a feature of the server version of the Windows OS. Regards, Clark Satter Microsoft Online Community Support Please remember to click "Mark as Answer" on the post that helps you, and to click "Unmark as Answer" if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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February 14th, 2011 6:07pm

Clark Sa, If it is "by design" (what a poor design it is...) can you tell me why I can select directories using the GUI in Control Panel. The design seems to me to be poorer and poorer after I discovered that via a GUI I cannot set to a a Full Backup (using only the incremental Default behaviour I succeded only to fill up my backup disk) while via command line I can... Regards, Michele Bordoni
April 29th, 2011 6:39pm

Under the Technet Library for "wbadmin start backup" , it says the following: "For Windows°7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, specifies the comma-delimited list of items to include in the backup. You can include multiple files, folders, or volumes. Volume paths can be specified using volume drive letters, volume mount points, or GUID-based volume names. If you use a GUID-based volume name, it should be terminated with a backslash (\). You can use the wildcard character (*) in the file name when specifying a path to a file. Should be used only when the -backupTarget parameter is used." Why does it say this if the Windows 7 OS cannot include volume paths while using the wbadmin command? Regards, Anonymous System Support Analyst
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May 11th, 2011 11:27am

Mr. Clark Satter, I would really appreciate it if you could address the above. You can find the quote aboute in the -include section of this page: Thank you, Bret
June 23rd, 2011 2:06pm

I too would like an answer on this. I'm a staunch Microsoft supporter, but running into "Performing a backup to a remote shared folder is not supported by this edition of Windows" and now this on my work machine puts me in a hard spot to defend MS from those that spell it's name with dollar signs. Ntbackup worked great for a decade, making this a frustrating bunch of problems out of left field.
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July 13th, 2011 10:00pm

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