Windows cannot find Chkdsk F/.
When attempting to defragment my hard drive I recieve a message that I need to run Chkdsk F/. I connot find that program on my computer and the Search function does not find a file with that name1 person needs an answerI do too
November 20th, 2009 11:04pm

The appropriate command would be: chkdsk /f You can copy and paste that or type it into your command prompt to run the disk check, or you can use Windows GUI by doing the following: Right-Click on the c:\ drive and select "Properties-->Tools. At the top, under the "Error-checking" heading, click the "Check Now..." button. Check the box in both boxes, then click "Start". You'll need to click to apply and ok that, then close down and reboot the computer. The chkdsk utility will scan automatically and when it completes, windows will automatically reboot on it's own. Note--you should do nothing else with the computer while this is underway. You can view the results in the event log: Click start-->run...type eventvwr.msc then click "OK". In Event Viewer, click the "Application" log. In the right pane, look down the Source column for "Winlogon" and double-click on that entry to view the results. At this point, you should be able to run your defrag using the same instructions from the above, except instead of clicking the "Error-checking" button, this time click the "Defragment Now..." button.
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November 21st, 2009 7:17am

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