Windows update encountered and unknown error
The only update occurred right after I installed win7. (jan 24) (except 2/21/09 Windows Update Agent 7.4.7000.81) There are 4 updates that appear to have downloaded but will not update. 3 for office and 1 for Win7 (Update for Windows 7 Client Beta (KB962236) Download size: 265 KB). When it begins to install, it begins to create a restore point and then reports Failed: 4 updates. Thanks for your help.
February 25th, 2009 5:56am

Hay there Ginger99 you may have a corrupt update so have you tried deleting the Windows Update Cache? If you haven't then here is how to do it.Click "Start" and then type "services". Click the on the file called "Services" scroll down and right click "Windows Update". Choose "Stop". Now leave the services window open. Navigate to C/Windows/SoftwareDistribution and delete the Downloads folder.Now go back to the services window and right click again on the "Windows Update" and choose "start".OK now you have to do a restart of your computer.Please note that this will mean that Windows Update will download the updates again.Cheers, Bentree.Edit: Just to let you know that i had problems with "Windows Update Agent &.4.7000.81" and by deleting the Update cache it solved the problem.
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February 25th, 2009 7:32am

The way you post is written, it almost appears the problem is in setting a restore point, and since it can't do that, it can't install the updates. As far as you know, are restore points being set normally on your system?The download I got last night, which included an Nvidia one, was fairly large. Have you tried looking at the updates first and only allowing one at a time?There us also a log file in the referenced folder. If you look at the latest additions, is anything mentioned about install failure and why?
February 25th, 2009 5:17pm

Thanks for that info, but it did not help. Seems odd that I have about 34 updates all installed on 1/24 (must have been win7 install day), except the windows update agent 7.4.7000.81 that happened on 2/21. The last update for the 1/24 set was NVIDIA driver update for NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT (Prerelease - WDDM 1.0. I have even rolled that driver back with no effect. There are now 9 important updates, but 9 fail. Error code is still 80070539. Let me know if you think of anything else. I am not extremely technical, but can usually be walked through most things. Thanks
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February 25th, 2009 7:11pm

The restore points are there. One from today (so far) because I have only tried once so far today. Several from yesterday, so it seems creating restore points is working properly. And yes I have tried one at a time without sucess. Now there are 10 important updates. I tried just the windows defender update alone and it failed. I also turned off windows defender and it did not work either. Thanks for your help. Keep thinking!
February 25th, 2009 7:23pm

Did you get a chance to check that log file? It should have a download entry and an install entry. Maybe one or the other will show a fault.Have you done ANYTHING to your system to change the defaults as far as folder locationsor "testing purposes" erase, or anything?Is your system basic, or do you have a RAID or any special setup?Have you had this problem since the original install and if not when did it start? That log file may help with this answer.If the update time on Windows Update is not during the time when you can watch it work, change it so you can sit and watch the event happen.How about anti-virus or other type maintence or protective software?
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February 26th, 2009 6:52am

It looks like the downloads are successful and ready for installation. This computer is currently scheduled to install these updates on (next day) at 3:00 am, and then lists the updates. The log file shows lots of successful downloads and installs on 1/24 (original install) 2/19 ChkWuDrv Success Software Synchronization Windows Update Client successfully detected 0 updates. 2/21 SelfUpdate Success Content Download Download succeeded. SelfUpdate Success Content Install Installation pending. SelfUpdate Success Content Install Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: Windows Update ActiveX SelfUpdate Success Content Install Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: Windows Update Core (AutomaticUpdates continues to reports success content , updates ready) 2/24 SelfUpdate Success Content Install Installation successful and restart required for the following update: Windows Update Aux I have not changed any defaults. I deleted the download folder in the software distribution folder and rebooted as suggested in a previous post. System is basic. Problems began day after original install (1/24) with the exception of the above SelfUpdates, no installs. Note this log entry: Success Content Install Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: NVIDIA driver update for NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT (Prerelease - WDDM 1.0) (This was the last successful update install (on 1/24). I have rolled back the driver for the video, but this is suspect. I will try to change update time and watch. I had Vipre (Sunbelt Software) installed but have removed it about a week ago while working on this.
February 26th, 2009 2:10pm

In the Control Panel - Programs and Features - View Installed Updates dialog, I am showing 9 total updates with 2 being "Update Client 7.4.--". One was 1/22, one on 2/10, and all the rest on 2/24. Dates may be a little off because I change hard drives to run Vista. I have a different video card, which may explain, but my Nvidia updates show WDDM 1.1, not 1.0. If that was your last successful update, assuming it was the problem, then I don't think the update process would look at whether the driver worked or not. It is more likely looking a some type of corruption of the updating process, of course I could just be blowing smoke ;-) I do not know what would need to be removed in order to clear out any type of corruption in the update system. If I were you, I would do these steps next, assuming removing the Nvidia update does not help. Run the system file checker. Maybe something got corrupted. Hopefully this will fix it, but if not. Go to control panel-view updates and remove the updates you currently have, or maybe just the ones after a certain date. The Nvidia driver shows up in the main Uninstall window, so you might remove it there. Have you checked to make sure nothing from Vipre is hanging around causing problems?Please understand, I am not any type of expert. Any suggestions made or actions taken should be considered on that basis.
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February 26th, 2009 6:26pm

Ran sfc. No corruption. Removed nvidia drivers. removed all updates after first install date (MWUclient self udater aux 7.4.7000.81, and MWUclient 7.4.7000.81. No change. I'm not seeing a solution in the near future. Can I reinstall win7 with the same license key? I could then be a little more cautious in noticing the updates. What ya think? Give up and start over, or keep plugging at this??
February 26th, 2009 9:14pm

If you are thinking about reinstalling, that opens up many possibilities.You could mess with your system and try to delete contents of folders you have not deleted before.You could try to repair the install - good practice.No system restore points back that far?Install on a new hard drive and keep working on that install in your spare time.As far as the Beta is concerned, if you could figure out the problem it might help Microsoft, but I understand it gets frustrating.I am fairly sure you could reinstall with the same key and you can still get keys at the download site, just can't download. I wish I could help, but I have no more suggestions. If you wanted me to do something to try to mess up my install, I could. I don't remember, are you running the 32 or 64 bit?I stumbled across this:
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February 26th, 2009 9:48pm

Thanks for that link. Interesting, butI already tried that. I had changed to microsoft update, and then changed back sometime after these problems began. I use the 32 bit version. Benttree above suggested that about stopping the update services, deleting the Downloads folder, restarting update services and rebooting. I have tried that several times. They will download but not install. After I try to install and the install fails, the shutdown button indicatesupdates to be installed. I shutdown and get the message "Do not turn off your ... installing 1 of 6". It never goes past the first and nothing has changed once I boot again. I unistalled almost all of the updates, including the MWU client 7.4.7000.81. That last one came back(there are 2 of them). It downloaded and installed without a problem. The Beta must not have a repair option. I just tried running the setup from within win7. I will try to boot with it to see if there is a repair option there. There is. Too late to increase the number of restore points, but there are so many with the auto update on, I could only go back about 30 hours. No other helpful repair options.
February 28th, 2009 12:24am

Problem solved. It was google desktop. I uninstalled it and update resumed fine.
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March 10th, 2009 4:22pm

Thank you! I had exaclty the same problem - uninstalled Google desktop & everything's fine...
June 25th, 2009 2:41pm

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