Wireless Networks Not Visible
Hey guys, I just installed Windows 7 on a Gateway ML6720 laptop, previously running Vista with wireless connectivity. Windows 7 is not recognizing any networks, and when I go to update the drivers, which I thought was the issue, it says the newest driver has already been installed. BTW I have a realtek RTL8101E Adapter, device manager is picking it up and it is showing that it is enabled. What could be the problem? -Matt
January 30th, 2009 6:42pm

Could it be that Im not intalling the update in Vista compatibility mode? How do I make sure it is in that mode?
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January 30th, 2009 6:46pm

If you can, try connecting via a wired connection, to test functionality. My experience was that none of my wireless settings were carried over from the previous OS, so I had to re-define the SSID, security p/w, etc. to rejoin my wireless network. I have set my router to NOT broadcast SSID, and also use MAC filtering, (MAC address was already known to the router.) Since the router did not broadcast the SSID, Win7 reported 'No wireless network found'... after I manually entered all the params, it found the wireless network and re-joined. Good luck and I hope this helps.
January 30th, 2009 6:50pm

I might have to try it wired, but my router is brodcasting the SSIDbecause two other computers I have connected via wirless pick up my network and the doctors office across the street, so I think its some driver issue or some setting that needs to be attended to. Thanks for your quick reply Jim. -Matt
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January 30th, 2009 6:59pm

Have you tried installing the latest drivers for your model from the Gateway site anyway? Run the installer in Vista compatibility mode and as an administrator. Right mouse click on the executable -> Properties -> Compatibility (tab) -> Check both 'Run this program in compatibility mode for: Windows Vista' and 'Run this program as an administrator'.
January 30th, 2009 8:33pm

I tried installing the driver in Vista compatibility mode, it installs fine, says it found hardware then installs. I check device manager and it shows realtek RTL8101E installed, but windows is saying that no network hardware is installed when I try to troubleshoot. I am at a loss as to what I should do. For some reason it's installing the driver, but Winodws is still thinking the hardware is not there! -Matt
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January 31st, 2009 8:57am

You will have to use the driver supplied by Win7, the Vista driver does not work. You will probably also have to use System Restore, or open msconfig.exe to the startup tab to remove the 4 items for that old realtec.Rating posts helps other users Mark L. Ferguson MS-MVP
February 15th, 2009 5:04am

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