Wondering what is wrong with the Answers site and signing in?
As the subject suggests, I'm having tremendous difficulty signing in to MS Answwers to simply ask a question about my IE8 always having sounds playing from ??? after it has been closed down completely, and why MS Answers is preventing me from signing in to ask this question?
November 23rd, 2011 7:07pm

The MS Answers site is currently up and working, here is their FAQ page which covers signing in: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/Page/faq If you are ever able to sign in, either from your computer or a different one, you can ask about your signing in issues on their feedback forum: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/feedback/forum
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November 23rd, 2011 7:27pm

Thank you TrekDozer, Hate to say it but it was just a little annoying trying to log in and getting a note saying "Signing In... This page will automatically update after you are signed in. If you are having problems, you can cloase this message and try to come this message and try to connect again." I've tried just that, to reconnect and come back several times, each time getting the same message so I was unable to sing in. It is things like this that annoy me with Microsoft and much of their (censored) crap. to get this thread out, and do everything, a simple task that should haver taken just a few minutes has taken more than 24 hours... I really dislike Microsoft and their Bull. Thanks again for your reply, it was very helpful!
November 24th, 2011 5:56pm

Hi, Refer to the reply by TreDozer. Also, If you have problem with IE, you may also start a new topic at http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en/ieitprocurrentver/threads for help.Please remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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November 25th, 2011 4:24am

Thank you Juke Chow, Overall, I've calmed down from the incident, however I still am a little miffed at MS for the following issue: After I had problems signing in with the Answers site, I would seek help elsewhere, but again evrything asked that I "sign in" to be able to post questions which is fine, BUT remember the fact that I was having issues SIGNING IN! If I cannot sign in on Answers, I find that signing in anywhere else is often difficult as well... so it just adds to the issue! How can anyone who is having problems signing in to any site, to ask a simple question, get help when they have to still sign in in order to ask a friggin' question? Seems to me that something was not thought of there... most people are not idiots, I might have falled for it at one time, but I have learned a few things about companies like MS, and that is that they always get their bottom line to increase, meaning they will charge an arm and a leg if you send in issues on a program that is not because of something you did, but a problem with the program itsself. Even now, I do not remember why I came in for help, because of this (censorted) junk issue with signing in to ask the original question! Why I had the issue to begin with. But now I do remember why I came in to ask... simply because IE8 is doing it again right now. I am sitting here typing this message, and I am hearing some sort of iddiotic advertisement... it is only sound and when I close down my IE, I get (censortd) crap still! Even when I try to open up my Task Manager, it never shows where the audio is coming from. I'm sorty but this is (Censored! And I want it stopped as soon as possible, perhaps I will switch over to one of my other browsers to see if this crap stops. Here is the exact issue I am seeing (hearing): While here writing this message, I suddenly hear in the background some "navigation"sounds like clicking on links,, then the advertisement audio starts up... say for instance I am watching some other videp and this begins? IMHO everyone who is making these programs is really screwing everything up. And I tried IE 9 BETA, I did not like it, because IE is becoming a lame program like most any other MS product now, but MS is such a momopoly in software, so everything operates around MS, which is (censoredd). While here on this site, I got some sort of pop up message asking me if I want to open some site, not knowing what it (the site) is in the first place, I clicked on yes... now I get popups every few seconds teling me the site has had a problem of some sort and Internet Explorer has stoopped workign, here is the current pop up message: "Internet Explorer has stopped working A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program an d notify you if a solution is available."I click on the Close Program button, and right away another window pops up saying the same thing... it goes on and on and on, this is Bull (Censored). Browsing used to be easy and entertaining, now with all theis Bull, it ceases to be that way, I suggest MS get's off their butts and figures it out and stop charging an arm and a leg to help people with this crap.
November 25th, 2011 9:51am

Hi, Regarding the problem "Internet Explorer has stopped working A problem caused the program to stop working correctly", usually, this is caused by 3rd party add ons, have you ever tried to launch IE with no add-on mode? If not, just try this. http://support.microsoft.com/gp/pc_ie_symptoms1000 Please remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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November 28th, 2011 2:04am

Thank you Juke, I will try using the IE with no add on's next time I have time to figure things out better, right now I'm seeing the following issues happening on every website I go to (even on Microsoft websites): Everything loads fine and fast, but after a few moments sitting on the site, I begin to hear navigation sounds as if I'm clicking on links even though I am not doing so, and eventually I hear "advertisements from all kinds of thrid party vendors, sounds like flash player sounds... but after I close down every IE window, the sounds remailn playing. The only way I've found to get ridd of the sounds is to reboot my computer, and this ONLY happens on IE, it DOES NOT happen on FireFox, Opera, or Chrome, the other browsers I have on my computer. For right now, I have set FireFox as my default browser even though I am not real happy with FireFox, I figure it is better than IE is because it does not have the same problem as IE on EVERY Site I visit. Your idea of using IE with no add ons works, but what happens if I want to visit sites like YOUTUBE to watch some videos? Imagine, trying to watch videos or listen to streaming music without add ons? It cannot be done. FireFox works fine for me, why IE always has that junk happening is almost beyond me. I say almost because Microsoft is a lousy company that is not worth the paper used to write the instructuion manuals for all their programs... even that is being very generous. I have Microsoft programs, I use every day, some I barely use, because they are always too much of a hassle to run proficently. A word to all the Microsoft programmers; When you change a program (update), make sure your 10 year old kid can easily work the program and do certain easy tasks without having to ask anyone how to do it, DO NOT take the update to your superiors and let them use the progrm and say it is ok to be put on the market or upgrade, because I guarantee it isn't.
November 28th, 2011 8:41pm

Hi, According to your description, it seems your computer is infected with malware. Please use anti-virus software to make a full scan on this computer. Also, If the problem does not occur after you use No add ons mode, use Manage Add-ons to determine which add-ons are causing the problem. 1.Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Start button. In the search box, type Internet Explorer, and then in the list of results, click Internet Explorer. 2.Click the Tools button, and then click Manage Add-ons. 3.Click an add-on in the Name list, and then click Disable. 4.Repeat step 3 until you identify the add-on that is causing the problem. If the issue still persists, reset IE settings.Please remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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November 28th, 2011 9:03pm

Thank you Juke, that is very helpful information and very good instructions on how to do things, I commend you for your efforts, and I will definately try what you suggest. I still stand behind my observations about any new upgrades that come out with many of Microsoft's programs. I had IE 8 up and running very well on my system until Microsoft, in all their wisdom, send out an automatic update that upgraded my IE 8 to IE 9 BETA, I thought at the time, no progblem, this might be better... at least I hoped it would be better and faster even though it was a BETA release of the upcomming program. As it turns out, I was very disappointed with the upgrade to IE 9 BETA as the program was extremely slow to upload websites of any kind and I have a 2.5 mb/sec download speed Broadband Internet connection. IE 9 BETA was twice as slow as my original IE 8 for downloading Internet websites. Along with the slow speed of downloading, the general set up of the web browser was so impossible to figure out, I did a system restore to get back my old version of IE 8 which is what I currently use, and unless I'm told by someone I can trust, I will stay with IE 8 until it is obsolete or useless for preforming the most common Web browsing features. Needless to say, I dislike Microsoft and their "I am mightier than thou" attitude and programs monopolozing the marketplace for PC Programs.I have man more issues with Microsoft, but this place is not the spot to voice them and not big enough to show all the issues I have with Microsoft. I thank you Juke for your assistance, and everyone else that has put in their words to try to help me out, THANK YOU ALL!
November 28th, 2011 11:09pm

Hi, According to your description, it seems your computer is infected with malware. Please use anti-virus software to make a full scan on this computer. Also, If the problem does not occur after you use No add ons mode, use Manage Add-ons to determine which add-ons are causing the problem. 1.Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Start button. In the search box, type Internet Explorer, and then in the list of results, click Internet Explorer. 2.Click the Tools button, and then click Manage Add-ons. 3.Click an add-on in the Name list, and then click Disable. 4.Repeat step 3 until you identify the add-on that is causing the problem. If the issue still persists, reset IE settings.Please remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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November 29th, 2011 5:02am

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