Would like to see...
While overall Win7 seems to function well, quickly and lightly I do have several interface issues. First, the new wallpaper changer: works great and the wallpaper blending is neat, however, there still isnt a way to have the wallpapers change at login so Im back to Wallmaster. Also, the desktop gadgets are clunky and feature poor. As to the start menuTERRIBLE! Further it was so easy to customize the start menu in XP with windows explorerone level down, all users together, drag and drop programs for only one user or for all, easy to group and sort. Now the start menu is six or so levels down, all users is completely from the current userits like you purposely made it has hard as possible to sort the start menus with explorer. One of the main reasons I stayed with XP. Ive also noticed that when you create a new folder in XP you got a folder. In Win 7 you get an explorer window complete with tree. As I use a number of folders on the desktop to sort various files thats a lot of excess baggage just to pick out a file. If theres a way to still have a complete windows explorer and yet just open a bare folder I havent found it. I hope MS would reexamine these issues before the RTM. Thanks!!
June 21st, 2009 3:10pm

Gravitator - At this point, Windows 7 is now "feature complete" - meaning what you see in the RC is pretty much what the final version will be like. At this point, the development team are working on fixing bugs that have cropped up since the Beta. You are, however, more than welcome to post your comments and feature requests to the "Have Comments about Windows 7 RC (Part 4)" thread. However, it's not likely you will see any changes like the ones you're suggesting in the Windows 7 final release. There's always hope for a future version - maybe Windows 8...
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June 21st, 2009 4:11pm

Hi all,Sorry, I had meant for this to go in the "Have Comments about Windows 7 RC (Part 4)" thread but somehow I stuck it here in error.I realize win 7 is close to complete but I have bugged MS about the wall changer since the beta. I doubt I'd ever use Vista...win 7 despite it's faults is still better! Thanks
June 22nd, 2009 2:59pm

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