Xboxlive through windows 7 laptop
Ok, like some other people with problems such as these mine is a little different. normally when im at home I have my xbox plugged into my Cisco E3000 router and everything works perfectly both for my xbox and laptop. (laptop being wireless) But on some occasions ill go to a friends house who as wireless internet, now I have my xbox plugged into my laptop via an ethernet cable and im trying to get xboxlive through the laptop which has windows 7. Now I have gotten this to work through a network bridge once and a shared network once by just getting lucky with a static ip address. To knock these off the list first, making a bridge alone does not automatically give me a good ip address.Nor does being shared and running the tests. Everytime I have had to do this i have had to put in a static ip and usually after trying as many bloody numbers that can cross my mine I can get it. But now im back at my friends place and im trying to connect again but this time the ip settings the auto show on my 360 are much different then usual and no matter what i put in for the ip/subnet/or gateway seem to work. not even previous ones that I have tried. when I do ipconfig on CMD I get 192.168.1.X For my computer. for my xbox im getting and no gateway. HOWEVER, when I run the xboxlive test on the system and it fails I get The worst and most irritating part of this is that my friends dad's room where the router is located, he is to stupid and stubborn to let me try turning it off and back on. He seems to think it will cost him money or something.....
October 17th, 2010 7:38pm

i should prolly make that middle part a little better to understand. CMD /ipconfig results: For computer: For local area (360) No gateway xboxlive test results auto show: no gateway or dns
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October 17th, 2010 7:45pm

Ok, I got lucky again. So this time i tried doing the bridge connection again. once that was done I put in the exact ip, subnet mask, and gateway as the computer. (though i knew it wouldnt work if it was the same as the computers ip but what the ____ i tried.) Seeing as it didnt work i gave it one more try by just making the last 3 numbers 138 instead of 128. And It worked. Guess I just got lucky and found a working unusable ip address. hopefully this will be helpfull to anyone relative to my situation. though ofcourse when i leave and come back again it will all be different and ill have to wrestle with it again......
October 17th, 2010 9:51pm

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